Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Concept- Packaging that Encourages Physical Activity

The concept pretty much is food packaging for children, that folds/
forms/morphs into a product promoting physical activities, e.g. a soccer
ball, a handball, a vortex, a Frisbee.

The idea is, through a series of folds; create a toy of some sort out of
packaging, thus promoting a healthier lifestyle.

There are two directions, 

1. packaging for healthy or neutral foods

2. packaging for unhealthy and high on kilo joules foods e.g. chips, 
chocolates, things with lots of sugars and fats.

Labels on the packaging would include instructions, nutritional information
and perhaps a recommended minimum play time.

e.g. after eating these chips(consuming these kilojoules), play with this Frisbee for at least 15min

Social issues are obesity and nutrition education.

An extension of this concept is to make a father-son or parent-child
packaging, with correct portion sizes, that fold into a throw and catch
game or something, for obese families.

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