Monday, 25 March 2013

Week 3 Studio

My research for the week three studio was primarily focused on the possible forms for a physical activity object, derived from packaging.

The Soccer Ball

A standard soccer balls are made up of 32 panels-12 pentagons and 20 hexagons

The idea here was to re-design the polypropylene takeaway container as packaging made up of pentagons and hexagons

designing lids and bottoms of the packaging out of pentagons and hexagons was also explored

A major issue with these designs is the fact that each individual shade would have to be separated then re-connected to form the ball

Inspired by the Dream Ball by Unplug Design (see previous blog post); I explored the idea of using strips that have been separated from packaging to weave spherical shapes to play with.

I believe that a weaving method could prove quite difficult to execute

The next exploration was pre-formed balls, that could package school snacks as well as serve for physical activity.

When twisted, the two hemispheres are separated and the food within may be accessed. After consumption the hemispheres re-twist and lock so that the ball can be used for activity.

Packaging is unbuttoned, food accessed, packaging  buttoned up and used as  ball
Food accessed and consumed, hollow packaging then filled with tap water to enhance rigidity

Incorporating nets of spherical polygons onto the packaging of school snack could enable the formations of balls to play with.







I also did some explorations into constructing a Frisbee from packaging.

This would be a pre-formed Frisbee that acts as a lid for packaging.

This model shows how a throwing star Frisbee can initially acts as a packaging for containing school snacks.

The collapsible features in this bowl from Sea to Summit could also be applied to packaging for school snacks and also swerve as a Frisbee for activity

Peter Calaitzopoulos (z3331400)
Feedback from Peer 1

Constance Docos
+ form  constructed from pentagon/triangle nets was impressive

-Models didn’t really communicate weaving
Feedback from Peer 2

Gizem Kurangil
-Throwing star too dangerous for children

-button/unbutton preformed ball has complications like: loosing the button, kicking ball with food inside
Feedback from Tutor

Simon R.
-focus on 1 package and 1 type of food
-go to supermarket, pick soft drink or muesli bar or chips, don’t try to package everything
-really think about packaging healthy or unhealthy foods
-try to change mindsets f both children and parents (consumers and customers)
Lesson learnt from listening to other Tutors
-stay away from promoting unhealthy foods

-look into materials that can be kicked and dropped and jumped on without being destroyed.

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